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L'actu des Bac Pro SMR du Lycée Agricole Mancy
lycee agricole
14 octobre 2009

A day in Sussex

On wednesday morning, we visited Bodium castle . It's a beautiful medievial castle. In this litle castle lived 150 persons. Initially, the castle was built to prevent invasion from French vessel. In the afternoon, we went to Smuggler's advendure . it's...
14 octobre 2009

A day in Brighton

A day in Brighton
Tuesday, we went to Brighton. In the afternoon, we visited the Royal Pavillion. It's a pavillion who belonged to Georges IV. His passion was asiatic art, he has been inspired by this style to build his pavillion. The visit was with an audio-guide. It...
13 octobre 2009

A journey to England

A journey to England
In the next paragraphs, you will discover our school trip to England. This trip was part of our school curriculum, it is one of the stage d'ouverture. Enjoy our experience.
L'actu des Bac Pro SMR du Lycée Agricole Mancy